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Full Name Half Life The Orange Box (E) (U)(NextLevel).rar
Filesize 15.22 GB
Region Europe
Can Download Yes



Half-Life: The Orange Box is a multi-platform video game collection that includes five separate games, including Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. This collection is specifically designed for the PlayStation 3 gaming system, providing players with stunning graphics, engaging storylines and thrilling gameplay. If you're looking to download the ROM for Half-Life: The Orange Box on your PC, look no further than our website, where you can find the latest version available for download. Enjoy hours of immersive entertainment as you explore the dystopian world of Half-Life and take on various puzzling and challenging missions. Get started today and experience the ultimate gaming experience from the comfort of your own PC!


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