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Full Name 1607 - Simpsons Game, The (U).7z
Filesize 100.6 MB
Region USA
Can Download No



Its so long to download even wuth cable uncapped offpeak YET its a reallllllllll great game i reccomend it to simpsons fans
I wonder because my internet is slow and it could took me 1 hour because i have a 54mbs and its wireless so it will be slower then that.
WOW... this game took almost 20mins to download...
Chusco y disparatado como son los simpsons, muy buen juego
I love it!!!
A very good and big game as you can see by the file size
This is one of my favorite DS game. It's great and awesome. Even someone who don't know the Simpsons will love this game. I think I'll rate it, 10/10