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Full Name Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko.7z
Filesize 22.4 MB
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I loved this game back if the days of N64. While some parts of the game such as bosses, camera controls, and the fact in the space level you need to constantly go to things for air are hard, the gameplay level design, and gex's awesome one liners about movies and popculture makes this game a must! If only nintendo would put it on the Virtual Console....
Not quite a Super Mario 64 platformer, but it's a great game anyways. There are some very memorable difficult jumps in here, but Gex's humor pulls through. A game to chose if you want a fresh and unique N64 Platformer/Adventure, or if you want a game peppered with awesome one-liners.
Well im rather surprised to see that there are no comments for this game, now i know this game is nowhere near triple A status, it does have its issues especially with the camera, but you'd think at least one person would feel as much nostalgia for it as i do.