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Full Name Gauntlet Legends.7z
Filesize 14.6 MB
Region USA
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this doesnt work on pj64, or any other n64 emulators, better off getting the ps1 version people, but look at the plugin settings for it first
I have already tried out ALL emulators I could find. It was never possible for me to run this game properly, no matter what I do it has always been unplayable due to either it running extremely slow or not being able to see anything on the screen due to the graphic errors. I'm afraid I cannot help you there because I have the same problem, and I have never found any solution on the web. It seems like this is the only N64 ROM that doesn't work no matter what you do... and that sucks, because this version (I had an original maaany years ago) is way better then the PSX version (which runs perfectly on emulators without spending much effort).
Project64 emulator seems to have a problem with this game, it runs it but..... it doesnt show anything aside the characters, enemies, and the portals for the realms. Anyone who played it and hasnt had problems could share some information on what to do to get it to show graphics? I got the default graphic plugin for the emulator, but i cant find another one that would solve this "problem"