Full Name Bassmasters 2000
Filesize 7.9 MB
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its really hard to maneuver FPS games, if its not on the mouse and keyboard
yea this game is really cool
An incredibly well made fishing game. It has multiple modes to choose from off the main menu and once you get into the actual game the customization is very detailed. You can choose lake type, temperature, time of day, conditions, boat, lure, reel, line, and a host of other factors that makes the games replay value immense. This is by far one of the best fishing games I've ever played. Totally fun and well worth a download. A great N64 title.
It's a nice FPS shooter and is quite relaxing to play. But it isn't the most thrilling game I've ever played. Still recommend it though.
This game is alright, but since it's on a DS the controls suck. You walk with the arrow you fire with Left bumper and Right bumper. And to rotate, you have to use the touch screen. Very confusing, especially on an emulator. Wow, it wouldnt let me just say Li and Ri with out the I's
Where can I get Halo mod for this?
it's really not bad at all,even though goldeneye it 1000000 better than this
Ive played it and i like it. But how you can make halo DS out of this? I know the story around the game about if it really exist or not, but how you do that? Thanks in advance.
It doesn't even look like you hit the person during a melee attack. Then, the enemy somehow get's dazed all the sudden. It takes about five smacks to kill someone. That's so lame. And when does throwing someone five inches off the ground kill anyone? My Verdict -Gameplay: 7.9 out of 10 (Shooting mechanics work well. The enemies are really dumb; dual wielding gets tiring) -Presentation: 7.9 out of 10 (Nothing compared to Call of Duty) -Storyline: 7 out of 10 (No James Bond?) -Multiplayer: 8.5 out 10 (I play it with my friends a lot) -Replayability: 7.2 out of 10 (not very much to do, with the exception of multiplayer) This game deserves a fairly good score of 6.9 out 10. For the written review, look at the game comments on this page.
hey does anyone (if there is a patch) know where i could get a IPS patch for the Halo DS mod for this game. thanks
its actually not bad. If you are looking for an FPS and arent reeally picky i definitely would get it.
People remember when Goldeneye 64 came out. It was a hit. Then people were excited for Goldeneye Rouge Agent, but it was not very good and had nothing to do with the original Goldeneye. Now we have Rouge Agent on the DS. Being a fan of shooters I decided to check this out, and found good stuff and bad stuff. Let's start with the pros: many memorable characters from 007 like Scramanga, Goldfinger, and Dr. No appear; fun and funny multiplayer supporting DS Download Play; the art of dual wielding. I don't really know if dual wielding is good, but it's the only DS shooter capable of this, so I added it as a pro. The cons: little voice work and mostly boring text; doesn't follow original Goldeneye, bad enemy AI; really bad audio, bad melee attacks. At least in games like Call of Duty and Brothers in Arms the enemies move around often. Most of the enemies in Rouge Agent stay still firing their weapons. This makes them really easy targets. Just look at screenshot 2. Two bad guys standing right in front of you basically saying, "Shoot me! I'm a target trying to shoot you!" When I mean bad audio, I mean by REALLY BAD. The music sucks a lot, gun shots are not the best, and hearing the same groan from enemies is pretty annoying. Punching enemies doesn't look so good either. It looks like some weak jab, but some weak jab can daze an enemy real easily. You can also take hostages as human shields, which is somewhat effective, but I do it just for fun. I just want to throw this in, but when you use a sniper rifle, the scope looks like a 007 gunbarrel. It's interesting, but just plain weird. Look at screenshot 3 to see the sniper scope. This game supports multiplayer with four people, including yourself. This is probably the best thing about Rouge Agent. Multiplayer is usually funny, and the maps are big enough. Compared to the big detailed maps in Call of Duty, they're not much though. Goldeneye Rouge Agent is not he best DS shooter in the world. Nor is it the worst. You might want to give it a shot. If you don't know anyone who will play multiplayer with you, forget about downloading this. 6.9 out of 10