Full Name 64 Oozumou
Filesize 9.7 MB
Region japan
Languages japan
Can Download No



you have to make all the gray box white in a faster pace, which is kinda hard
this is time consuming great game
ROM is solid with only a minor hiccup here and there but nothing major or problematic. The game is a sumo simulator where you pick a character and than train and advance as them throughout the ranks. The game is adorable with tons of characters and skits inbetween each sumo match. Even though it is in Japanese it is still a ton of fun. To play the game you use the analog stick and camera buttons. The analog stick moves your character around the ring while the camera buttons lets you preform attacks and counter your enemies charges. Great title.
This game is so fun. If you like Tetris and Dr Mario - You will love this even more!
You have to go over all the squares without touching any you've already been over.