Full Name Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life (U)(OneUp).7z
Filesize 0.99 GB
Region USA
Compatibility Playable (Details)
Can Download No



when I play this game.. the text of the game is blur.. I can't read it.. what should i do to fix it??
why there is something blur at the bottom of the screen?
Why this game cannot extract after i download it???
simplaya 2009-10-07 How Do You Get Theses Games Working On Your GameCube _____________________________________________________________ I've been asking me this very long too ....
This game doesn't run well. The framerate is slow and the music cuts out. The character graphics are horribly messed-up and the text is corrupted, so you can't tell what is going on. Which is very sad because I had played the original Wonderful Life and was looking forward to playing this too.
How Do You Get Theses Games Working On Your GameCube