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Full Name Bomberman Generation (U)(OneUp).7z
Filesize 868.4 MB
Region USA
Compatibility Perfect (Details)
Can Download No



Bomberman Generations can be good or bad depending on who you are. My friend at school says he liked the game but didn't like how it relied on Charaboms (the animals that Bomberman rides) for most things; he related it to how Zelda and Metroid require weapons and items that are found later to go somewhere you saw before. Personally, I think its one of the most unique bomberman experiences in recent times. Worth it.
oh >,< shit its 1.10 GB, *i think how long to download if not premium*
you can put up pictures and make 15 points with only 1 picture.
Great game! This is so bad because the points.. i dont have a premium account :(
My first Gamecube game. Still one of my favourites. Kind of mixes Bomberman with pokemon, spectrobes etc. Great game if you like that kind of stuff. Hoping for a remake or sequel.