Soul Caliber USA
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Yep no wonder I couldn't find it at first this is the second dreamcast game I played I forgot the other one it's been years anyway I think I like this game better than Soul Calibur 2 the missions are way better Soul Calibur 2 missions were annoying that's the biggest reason why I play Soul Calibur without missions it would be another tekken game tekken has missions from what I heard but it's to late Soul Calibur was first.
Title is spelled wrong, It should be Calibur, not Caliber
so would overburn of 768mb speed of 10x work on a 700mb CD-R?
hmm not too familiar with that i use alcohol 120... i guess i'll take a look at it thanks
kaggai: Dreamcast games use 'overburn' which allows you to get more data on a CD than you normally can. You need to burn it using Padus DiscJuggler and a CDRW drive that is listed on the DiscJuggler compatibility list.
darn... file too big... its aroun 706 or 760mb when the cdi is its own file... too big for cd-r's file limit...
is this cdi..or self boot?...need a reply ASAP...
but instead this version is a million times better than soulblade
it actually comes from soulblade the best game ever on ps1
This game is amazing. If you like Soul Calibur 2, 3 or IV, you have to see where this game came from.
602.mb wow thats all my points gone
But great game ive got the 2nd (Soul Calibur 2) and planin on tryin to get the IV but oh well, great game!!
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