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Full Name Giant Killers (E)(ECHELON).7z
Filesize 141.6 MB
Region Europe
Can Download Yes



Giant Killers has been announced as a big entry to the soccer games in Europe. An it's big indeed. It contains information of every european teams an leagues available. It's also the first and only, as far as I know, game that requires the full 200 blocks of the VMU for saving stats. I'm not sure if the game connects to the Internet to update the stats. Only one thing I can tell. This one is a NO game. Although you can choose your team and check the schedule for playing, you actually doesn't use the controller. You will read a narration of what happens during the game of your team. You don't even know the outcome until the narration finishes. For me, at least, not worth the disc I tested. Try it yourself if you want to check if my opinion is a little, just a little, exaggerated.