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Full Name Tiny Tank [U] [SCUS-94427].7z
Filesize 387.1 MB
Region USA
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"Tiny Tank" is an action-packed game that was originally released for the PSX console. The game features a small but mighty tank that players must navigate through a variety of challenging levels filled with obstacles and enemies. With fast-paced gameplay and exciting missions, "Tiny Tank" offers players a thrilling experience that is sure to keep them entertained for hours. Downloading the PSX ROM for "Tiny Tank" is easy and allows players to relive this classic game on their PC. Discover the fun and adventure of "Tiny Tank" today!


I Used to really want this game when it came out, but unfortunately i forgot all about it by the time i had enough money to get it. I'm really glad i found it on here and it works great on ePSXe1.7. This game is HILARIOUS! The little radio stations that are playing really cool music mixed with lots of funny dialog from the lead bad-guy reminds me a lot of the talk radio stations on GTA3/VC. (the good ones) Seriously, check this game out if you can. IMO They should make a movie about Tiny Tank, i could see it being a HUGE dreamworks hit and also would nicely bring about a modern sequel. If you like games like, Conker, Ratchet and Clank, etc.. then please check this one out.
funny as hell
I loved this game growing up, but could never find it again after 200games got stolen across 5 systems. you guys are awsome, you have tiny tank, and future cop, front mission 3. and I'm just gettin startd on your site. but now gotta wait for points
Great game. I loved playing this when I was younger!
I realy ned this game
I remember playing the demo for this game. I really enjoyed it, though for some reason I could never find the retail version of it in the stores.
Needless to say, but this game and a lot of others are reviewed on Youtube. Looks great, thx.