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Full Name Rascal [U] [SLUS-00542].rar
Filesize 194.9 MB
Region USA
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Rascal is an action-packed platformer game released for the PSX system. Players assume the role of Rascal, a young inventor on a mission to thwart the evil plans of his arch-enemy. With challenging puzzles and exciting gameplay, Rascal promises to keep players engaged for hours. Get ready to embark on an adventurous journey by downloading Rascal ROM for your PC now.


Using ePSX, if you press start to skip the first skip-able intro movie ePSX will crash. Still trying to get the right settings to stop this from happening. I'm using the standard bios and the "gpuPeteD3D.dll" GPU plugin from the GPUPete GPU plugins archive available in various places if googled.