Full Name Legend of Legaia [U][SCUS-94254].7z
Filesize 206.3 MB
Region USA
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Legend of Legaia is an epic PlayStation game that takes players on a journey through a mystical world with engaging characters and breathtaking landscapes. This RPG features a unique battle system that combines traditional turn-based gameplay with fighting game mechanics for an exciting and intuitive experience. With thrilling plot twists and rich storytelling, Legend of Legaia is a must-play for fans of the genre. Download the ROM now and relive this classic PSX game on your PC.


I used to rent this from Blockbuster. Such a flashback! *_*
I have had this game for PS1 on disk for decades, but never got to play it. Thanks to you guys, I am gonna try it tonight! :) I am uploading screenshots of it too... :)
Great fucking game...brings back good memoires from when I was a kid.
My very first RPG!, believe me guys, if you like console style RPG, you must not miss this one!. the good: # good story. # characters are in "mini" mode, but on battle they will on full 3D!. # battle effect are great (you must not compare with nowadays game, it was the best at the time). # very cool boss battle music!. with voice actor both player and enemy. Hiaaaat!!!! # unique battle system. magic(summon) enable. # every single equipment (headgear ,body armor ,leg ,weapon, except for acc.) are visible on battle. so you will not got bored with your character looks. # some good mini-game. (i spend hours for fishing) all with good reward. # hidden boss that even powerful than last boss.(just like Final Fantasy series) # your player will not “die” in battle, instead the developer call it as “K.O” (I like this one, more realistic rather than “reviving dead player”, we are not god). Your player still conscious, just cant go on battle. the bad (just the matter of taste): # very challenging game. Some people cant even pass the first boss. # The price (healing, equipment, etc) seem way too high, or maybe the money got from monster way too low. # just 3 character. 2 guys and one girl. # one of the most hidden secret summon (juggernaut) seem impossible. You need a very-very-very good of patient building up to level 99 for all 3 character, without a cheat. my score : 9/10
I seem to have a problem with legend of legaia rom iso for mac i am able to start up the game and everything. Its just at a certain part in the beginning of the game it always freezes i dont kno if its the rom thats the problem or my psx emulatar and i also tryed downloading the rom from other sites and the same thing happens over and over again just wondering if you can help thanks
it gets stuck when vahn and them are just about to go into the past whats up with that?
i really love this game and play it everyday... iobeat this game like 4 times!!! until my big fierce brother sell it to his damn friend......I'll never forget the firts time i beat this game... bytheway... this is the second most awesome game i ever play (after Brigandine The Legend of Forsena)..
this is a nice game. i remember my childhood days with this. :D
This is one of my favorite game
my favorite game of all time, hated the sequel its such... crap. not worth it at all. luckily this ones amazing
the coolest game ever!!! legend of legaia is just great but suikoden 2 is awesome!!!!
WOW!!! ths Game brings back soooo much...the best game in the world!!! *** try using Epsxe... i didnt have any problems with it. and for your file, just copy the file from your memory card onto the Epsxe's memory file. ***