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Full Name Forsaken [U] [SLUS-00458].rar
Filesize 426.4 MB
Region USA
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"Forsaken is an action-packed first-person shooter game available on the PSX system. The game features stunning graphics and intense gameplay with a vast range of weapons and enemies to fight against. Exciting multiplayer options are also available for players looking to take on their friends in a battle for supremacy. Get ready to immerse yourself in an adrenaline-fuelled adventure and download Forsaken now!"


You can get this game for n64.
this is a great game but it isn't a action/adventure, it's a vehicle destruction game, but very unique
never tried the game before but im sure it is good ..
I can't believe no one has commented on this game yet! This game is a classic, bringing back many memories for me. Sure the controls are a little sketchy but in my opinion the 2-player mode is the best, so your opponent has to deal with them just as you do anyway. Thinking about it, they are probably the best configured for true freedom in a 3D environment. Good plot (nice and simple), great choice of characters (each with their own quirk to them ) and nice levels (for the day, 1998 people!!). I absolutely recommend this game to all the fans of action and adventure!!