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Full Name Dukes of Hazzard [U] [SLUS-00859].7z
Filesize 360.5 MB
Region USA
Can Download Yes



Are you a fan of classic console games? Look no further than "Dukes of Hazzard" for the PSX system. With fast-paced action and thrilling car chases, this game will have you on the edge of your seat for hours. Download the ROM to experience the excitement of racing through Hazzard County, dodging obstacles and outmaneuvering the law. Don't miss out on the chance to relive this beloved game from the 90s on your PC.


downloading is pretty simple, use WinRAR and extract the file onto your desktop, then move it to your emulator file.
is that really a ps game? screenshot looks nice
How do u burn this??plz
Woh to u burn this?,which file?
Didnt work for me. Somebody comment on this.Maybe its just my bad luck.