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Full Name Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. [U] [SLUS-00502].7z
Filesize 160.6 MB
Region USA
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Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. is a thrilling fighting game for the PSX system that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a variety of powerful characters to choose from, the game offers an immersive experience where you can unleash your fury against your enemies. If you want to enjoy Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. on your PC, you can easily download the ROM and start playing today. Don't miss out on this classic game - download the Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. ROM now and get ready for a wild ride!


This was great for it's time! An early PSX 3D fighter with decent controls and a strange setting in a post-apocalyptic future with cyborgs, mutants, and freaks battling it out in a winner KILLS all format. The environments are as dangerous as the combatants and the whole flying/rocketpack add-on was nice. The single player part of the game, I'll call it tournament mode, where you climb the ladder to the top is a bit tough and that would deter most, but the two player game is just as fun as any. Very gory and very brutal, with loss of limbs and "anytime fatalities," make this a very fun and unpredictable fighter. I loved it in it's day, and it is a great addition to any collection if you ask me.
Ah what a classic, its a 3D Beat em up kinda tekken style but you can blow people's arms off and what nots leaving em to fight with only 1 arm or none.
Just downloading down HOPE IT IS FUN!!!!!!!
It like Biohazard, is'n it.
A fighting game with some shootin' around. Nice, but that's all. Fun for a while. ***3 stars***