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Full Name 3850 - LEGO Battles (U)(M3).rar
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Same as "Lukeymundo",haven't played a game since lego island on Psone lol! That was back in 2003 I guess!
Downloading it right now, i'm going to love this game
This takes be back to playing WarCraft II BNE. good times
...and for the ppl how dont like Lego Try it YOU LOVE IT!!
OMG!!! Best DS game I've ever played. Its incredibly awesom! 6 Diffrent campaigns ,all from offical Lego sets! (Castle ,miners etc) Skirmish (You have to choose 11 units. You can make a mix. For example one from Pirates ,one from Castle!) Unlockables -Maps ,Art ,Cheats and Units (From the blue lego's in the game) MultiPlayer MUST HAVE!!!1!
Giving it a try.thanks.
Who cares if it's for kids, I'm a kid at heart!!!
I loved lego when I was a bit younger, and it's good to see that the Lego game developers are straying away from their typical film licenses. This and Lego Rock Band could be quite interesting. And the fact that this is a RTS (unlike Age of Empires, which i thought would be like a direct port but was just a turn based strat game) is great because I need something quite long-winded to waste some time on, so I can avoid doing revision...
I love Lego. I love DS. YAAAAAAaaaY!!!!1!
This work on my r4 user version 1.18 this is the best lego game every
I dont know why, but it doesnt work on my R4 1.18...i tried arm 7 patching, still gave me 2 black screens...any help?
Nice rts, with the typical lego atmosphere ad jokes.i've been playing it for some hours now, and can't put it down. @ piccadillio: if you want supreme graphix, go buy a psp or something. nintendo is all about fun and game experience, and that is why they are one of the big market leaders.