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Full Name 3841 - Legendary Starfy, The (U).7z
Filesize 34.8 MB
Region USA
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The Legendary Starfy does not work on No$gba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which emulator will work on this game!
Xdifferentx: The touch screen is basically only used for the minigames, everything else can be controlled with the D-pad and buttons. And does anyone else get a Commander Keen vibe from the enemies?
Freezes with ez flash v plus. Any suggestions?
My game download went ok, but when i try to load file 1 or 2 and hit jsut freezes CAN ANYONE HELP ME!? please! additional info: im using ez flash vi for nintendo dsi
How much use of the touch screen does this take?
Oops it IS starfy
Its starfly not starfy
I beat the game and by my standards I liked it a little but I like most games. If i had to rate it 1-10 it would be 6.6
Awwww. I just played it in no$GBA emulator,and the screen is WAY off. .\_. Meh. Time to search for another emulator :3
I never suspected this ROM to be out already![img]/system/views/Generation3/media/images/emoticons/surprised.gif[/img] I thought it could take WEEKS to produce a rom copy of a game. Boy was I wrong. I'm getting this![img]/system/views/Generation3/media/images/emoticons/yipi.gif[/img]
Fianlly, STAFY has arrived in the us. And for all those who say it's kiddie. Screw that.
ha ha ha