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Full Name 3819 - Kingdom Hearts - 358-2 Days (J).7z
Filesize 189.9 MB
Region Japan
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For thoe who still dont know, a patch is needed for the game to work. from calliu, a fellow user, commented go to: to go get the patch. they teach you how to use it as well. this is for R4 users.
Well i finished this its not very good at the end im starting again inenglish as soon as a patch comes out or i might just wait for U
I just want it i don't even care it's japenese i learn while i play
The game has good graphics and uses the same battle system as KH1, only a little simpler. You REALLY have to wait for the US version if you don't understand japanese to really enjoy the game. nonetheless, I praise the beautiful graphics for a DS game, and a storyline that fans have been dying for. 8/10
Phew i just finished reading all the 102 comments and by reading everyones perspective, this games graphics and game play seem the best so i think ill download it only when i find the patch or ill wait for the engluifh version to come out.
This game rocks!! XD the graphic is awesomeee..!!
This is a really great game, it exceeds my expectations,(i'm playing it on my CycloDS) and well, i am looking forward on BUYING it for a change, heheheh, sparing a few dollars should really be worth a very good game. (I might be considering on taking Japanese lessons, kanji etc., so these (J) games won't bother me anymore in trial and error
Mickey mouse owns y'all xD! nah, i can't wait for the e/u like all the others. if i like it that much, i might even buy it xD.
Even though Square Enix worked with Disney to make the Kingdom Hearts series (elevators ftw, KH was born in one) this is definatly not a "game for kids" Even though some Disney characters make an appearance, as major or minor characters, the game is still mainly focused on Roxas, the nobody of Sora, who is the protagonist of the original KH game. Don't write a game off just because you saw a disney character in a trailer >\_>
Its not for little kids ITS BY SQUARE ENIX!! apparntly you never seen the kingdom hearts seires .-. its a awesome seires this one is another know what this one is talking about you will need to play kingdom hearts and kingdom hearts 2 for PS2 if you like final fantasy you will like this
So whats this game about? Ive seen a video of it from Nintendos E3 booth, i dont know about this one, it had Disney characters in it... is it for kids?
How do return of the king and soul of sora look like and what are they(example:weapon,skill,item,armor...)