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Full Name 3792 - Naruto Shippuuden - Shinobi Retsuden III (J).rar
Filesize 37.9 MB
Region Japan
Can Download No



Funny... why japan always rocks on their anime/manga based games? and why Tomy as publisher for US/EU version didn't consider about bring Retsuden 2 & 3? (yeah we already see the crappy retsuden 2 EU)
Yes hahaha! 22 days late, but its here. Sasuke is dead! Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken!
Ah finally i saw this on Play asia about a month ago. Worth the wait though
NC200X, he *did* say he was only kidding. :-P
Aldar, the game was JUST UPLOADED! I think you would need to allow a lot of time for an English patch to be developed.
Like the previous ones it does not work well on an emulator or i may say, we cannot play it at all
After long time of expectation
This the new game i guess? *Downloads* ^.^