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Full Name 3597 - Family Park Tycoon (E)(M2).7z
Filesize 19.5 MB
Region Europe
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Cheers for this should be a fun game to play
No fun for me :(
Is there english?
Is this 'efteling tycoon'
How do u download it I click download and it doesn't work
Thanks! I will download and see what its like, dont looks great tho, but you never know, cant be worse than Golden Balls.
Is this in a language other than english?
I find this game pretty boring, after 15 minutes I already deleted it from my flash card.
This game's alright not the best though
I looked up a screenshot of this on google and it didn't look too bad. it looked like the original roller coaster tycoon, but with a crowded atmosphere. the gameplay is prob a lot diff, but i'll test it out =)
If that's true 1prinnydood (loving the prinnyness of the name) then I will go find them and make sure they "fall on a sword" because of their shame.
If shovelware was in the dictionary this game could be used as an example. I like tycoon type games but this is dire, ugly graphics no sound fx, music is generic, gameplay is no fun at all. The company behind this should be ashamed of themselves.