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Full Name 3595 - Spectral Force - Genesis (K).7z
Filesize 27.0 MB
Region Korea
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I think the Europe Verion Works Propily?
who o you think you are SturmxHawke ? dont you think that you are crossing the line? Kang was trying to write something, dont write that kind of things which ignore someone. I hope other DUTCH are not like you who racists on people.
Awwww its a shame coz the game is very very, very! Good :-)
Humans sux
I am english myself but i agree with the korean's, after all THIS GAME IS IN KOREAN, go to the japan version and anoy them :P
It's not about the game comment. lol..
Lol this is funny
SturmxHawke// Are you trying to be a racist? I'm a Korean and I really don't apreciate YOU talking to Kang ddd like that. That's so childish. HE tried. Do YOU HAVE to say something like that?! You said you're Dutch. You should understand that it is hard to speak and write if you're still learning English. And We can understand him, can't we? So don't post ANYTHING like that again. I wish I won't see ANY post like this any more. I'm SERIOUS.
So... Did anyone manage to get the bypass cheat yet?
So.. Did anyone manage to get the piracy bypass codes yet?
This is hilarious (I’m a Korean by the way) First, We’re supposed to have a certain level of English for we start learning it in 3rd grade, so maybe he couldn’t be bothered to look through a book? Or his notes in English class? Second, racist or not, SturmxHawke is the type that looks down on people who have lower skills than themselves But can’t say anything to the ones who are higher than himself(like a certain B- looking down on a C). It’s just childish, and I have to say I pity him. Plus, as a note, we’re working on the cheat, and I’ll be the first who put’s it up on this board. ^^
This is actually hilarious, (I'm a Korean by the way) First, most koreans aged 14or more speaks at least the basic english, so that guy could be like a 5th grader or sth. 2nd, racist or not, SturmxHawke is a type that looks down on people who have lower skills than themselves, but can’t say anything to the ones who are higher than himself (like a certain B- looking down on a C). It’s just childish, and I have to say I pity him. Plus, as a note, we’re working on the cheat, and I’ll be the first who put’s it up on this board. ^^