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Full Name 3574 - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (U)(M3).7z
Filesize 78.2 MB
Region USA
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Looks like Squeenix tried to put the lock on piracy again. FAIL.
Oh man nice thanks for the code aswell seph appreciate it
Hope to see some of you guys on WiFi :) From what I can tell from the Japanese version, its alot like Ring of Fates, but with extended online play, and a much larger story.
Action Replay codes to bypass protection: 020CAE48 E3A00000 020CAE4C E12FFF1E 020CB1B0 E3A00000 020CB1B4 E12FFF1E And as always, comments are are ABOUT THE GAME! If you can't get it to work then Go to the forum, there's a link just above the comment text area.