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Full Name 3563 - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 (J)(M6).7z
Filesize 141.0 MB
Region Japan
Can Download No



@shiner22, why don't you just download the game and check it.
I run fow a while Story Mode, and Yes, this is english language ;)
Can anyone confirm that it has an english option please?
Yay! early English release again... how's the game sound? don't watch Yu Gi Oh for long time :p racing? o.O
Wow This game dont have only eng options! u have eng card to i mean descryption is eng my battery is down so i dont know if story mode is eng but worldchempionship is all eng! I scho a eng flag so maby its it!
DerApe: Stop lying. I have R4 V1.18 and I just dueled "Winged Kuriboh" and won. That obviously took monsters to win. Please contribute infomation that CAN be proved!!
I edited your comment "DerApe", it broke so many of our comment rules that I considered merely deleting it.
Are you serious? English option? I'm downloading now, thanks for the info. =) DerApe
Before pople start posting like nuts, the game has possible anti-piracy. It seems to lock up on R4's and CylcoDS's while summoning a monster. My AceKard 2 however has no trouble while using the latest AKIAO fw.
Why not download this game?
Game has English option!
Yes there is a yugioh world championship 2008 in english and I have been waiting for this for months!