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Full Name 3540 - Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 19.3 MB
Region Europe
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can someone help me please because i play the game fine but then i shut it off and save then the next time i turn it back on the screens just stay blank and nothing happens and i have re downloaded it form here and other websites and they all do the same thing someone please help me solve this problem because i wanna play pokemon
great game..good graphics..awesome story..LOOOOOOOONG hours of in LOOOOOOOOOONG..recomended for all those who have ds..this is the game why i bought my ds for xD
this game look awesome i've downloaded and it AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!
i want to use ar cheats on my r4 but i dont have an action replay can i do that
how come when i start the game and get my starter pokemon my pokemon makes no sound but the other trainer's pokemon makes sounds. can anyone help me?
[press x button ryanflydogs] i've been playing pokemon games sinse i was 7 and i'm 11 now i love pokemon games and i am pro at them good luke to all =D
HOLY GOD HAS SOO MUCH DOWNLOADS! even better than diamond and pearl. anyways i have the actual game insted on my r4 cause when i bought the game i did not had a r4.
how do I press start when it asks at the begining???
Does it have cheats?
Are there cheats available yet? If not when are they coming out? BTW thanks for early upload!
heh its fun to have giratina in his disortion world form, most people say its impossible but i know how to do it, simply get crisious orb from the disortion world after completing the pokemon league, great game it is to, DITTO OWNZ!
dose every one have the same friend code?