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Full Name 3512 - Suikoden - Tierkreis (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 180.2 MB
Region Europe
Can Download No



^ max file size for a DS game.
It is surely a very Big game in size... 1 and a quarter hour to download... I hope it will be an enjoyable game
Sorry all can I ask you all? if I can i wnat to ask you the game play tame a monster and fight it with monster what a game? thx for your answer(this game not use japanese language)
Noo they change the song!!
3 hours? 10 minutes :). For a free acount :) After a little search: official release date: is 13...niceee :)
The rom might be free but 3 hours for a 200mb file? Thats gotta swell up his electricity bill lol. Not to mention While thats downloading may as well call youtube quits or any other streaming sites until its done. It can get annoying if u really think about it, but i also understand what the rest of u guys were telling him as well. Still though, give him a break cause with slow speeds like that i'd get annoyed as well. THANKS a bunch for this game dude, made my damn day, night and the rest of this month.
Yes, the voice acting is atrocious. Will probably undub it and see what the Japanese VAs sound like.
Just download the game ok its free so dont worry ok... if theres a piracy protection dont worry narin and team will break it for us to play it 100\%.. and the game was to big but great game :) tnx romulation
I may just be to save space. There is a lot of VO's, shorter VO's = less space used.
Lots of voice acting I agree..and its horrible. They sound like pronouncing a tongue twister! Anyways, I still prefer the silent hero of earlier games. Tir...Riou...where are you?!
First 5 minutes... Lots of videos and dialogues Something's fishy with the dialogues/voice acting...It seems to be sped up, and sounded like pronouncing a tounge-twister phrase...the hell...
Only persons who's rushing so far is the main character. Maybe to save memory? It kinda makes me laugh though. Its rare to see a game filled with voice acting on DS though. Has been for me anyway.