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Full Name 3506 - Club Penguin - Elite Penguin Force (E).7z
Filesize 26.8 MB
Region Europe
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It dont work for me =/ Im on R4 Version 3.08 and all it says is "The save data could not be accessed. Please turn the power off and reinsert the DS Card." Any Ideas?
I finished the game in 3 days
I did play the (u) version of this game, it's a nice game but much too short.. i beated the adventure mode in like 5 hours, though it has a fine gameplay and if you like club penguin it might be a fun game to play.. for r4 users: use the YS menu instead of r4 v 1.19, all games will work on the YS menu and it don't disables wi-fi!! you shoult at least give it a try, i did too and this game and much other games worked like a charm!! i tested it on enchanted folk and the school of wizardry, wi-fi works(was disabled with arm7 patch) and there were no errors or fails... b.t.w. the YS menu is almost the same as the DSTT menu... YS menu download link:
You get arm7 from GBAtemps you may need to create a account
When it works... wifi doesnt!!!
What is the game like ?
I wish it works
For official R4 users just get kernel 1.19u which will auto patch any games what need the arm7 patch the R4 team are no releasing any more kernel updates there latest is 1.18.. the 1.19u is an unofficail update but is the only way your gonna get some of the newer games workin.. unless you inject the arm7 patch in the rom
Oh nasty my eyes! they Burn! steer clear of this one
I wish someone would actually comment on the game!!!
I also had to use ARM7 patch, works great now.
I own 3 R4's D: 2 of which are the new models, but I use the oldest model cause I like the micro SD "pop-click" mechanism on it (my spring hasn't broken yet like lots of other peoples).