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Full Name 3490 - Naruto - Ninja Destiny II - European Version (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 21.4 MB
Region Europe
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.... heeelllllooooo....... anybody check these at all ppl?
Im gonna be a real noob here, but how do you rate??? xD lawl
Hey, if everyone has so many comments about the game, why not rate the game, causee there still no ratings!! lawlz
Ok i have comepleted quest mode with all characters nd i didnt get ny1 can some1 post a save?
By beating the quest mode with all characters you will unlock all the hokages
How can you get the hokages?
At first thought you might say "WTF! it's not shippuuden! FAIL!" but even though that it's not shippuuden, it has got kurenai, asuma, iruka, and all the hokages. (in the japanese version they didn't exist) The only failish thing is the story mode "yeah naruto let's fight" "oh wow you beat me, nice naruto!!!!" "Har har har you'll never beat me i'll get you" "wow you're stronger than i though"
Good game...
The game has most graphics from the other version. This one is a little better because of the new characters and a story/quest mode. There are some other characters to unlock by completing the story/quest mode. I will not provide the information because I think it is against the rules. But check the comments in\_mM. I would rate this game as 3/5 because of its poor graphics due to the limited pixies the ds can provide unlike the other popular PSP, PS2, XBox, etc. Also of its repeated use of the same skills from Naruto Ninja Destiny (1). But on the plus side the creators added some more new characters. So have fun guys.
You can get the 1st Hokage by completing Quest Mode with four different characters, the 2nd with eight characters, the 3rd with one and the 4th with all possible characters.
Holy crap i cant figure out how to get the hokages Josh241294 how did u get the hokages?
You either have to play multiplayer or hard quests, because I just did easy naruto quest (finished) and there was nothing...