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Full Name 2854 - Avalon Code (J).7z
Filesize 59.3 MB
Region Japan
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Is there any english version?
Lamboking, i've played the preview and it's a hell of a lot better than rune factory. better looking and much more fun from the little i've played. hope this helps :)
I heard this was going to be like a similar game to rune factory =/ can anyone confrim this?
Matrix Soft make this MNV, XSeed, and Rising Star will publish this worldwide
I found a video wherein this game is in English language...can't wait for it to become true...
Can this be played in english
No, but Xseed games did...
Did square enix make this game?
Looks really cool! That boy looks like that boy of FFCC!
This looks a good game. Cant wait for it to come out in English.