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Full Name 2840 - MySims Kingdom (E)(M9).7z
Filesize 27.1 MB
Region Europe
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Thanks for your efforts with the site, disappointing this and a couple of EA titles not directly available. This is far outweighed however by the huge volume of games that are available to trial and preview before buying. Great, VERY reliable site, thanks.
Thank you seph for the explanation but really i mean this association is really weak...i bet in a week the rom will be available on this happycanman, with the new dsi we wont even need flashcards because we already have a micro sd slot (piracy doesnt hurt too much nintendo since even with all the flashcards it still cashes in so much money)
The ESA protection thing has been talked about for a LOOOONG time for Nintendo DS but at the end of they day until Nintendo DS really put there foot down on piracy and copyright were fine (although rumor has it the new DSi will block our flashcards-- but then again it's not confirmed)
It's the Entertainment Software Association, it's an organization which represent the interests of various copyright holders, occasionally they will demand that something be removed from our site, we either agree or we shut down, the choice is pretty easy to make; right?
What is esa protection?
Kilikman: Will you pay the court fees and take the jail time then?
I hope RomUlation dosn't start enforcing the ESA protection crap, I would really hate to see that...DON'T DO IT GUYS...PLEASE!!!
Cmccmc: Only when the alternative is getting sued, we really do want people to be able to preview games so they can decide if it's worth buying - but not at the expense of our lives, because getting sued and going to jail would really ruin any future we might have.
Oh wait, thanks Seph :)
Copyright? This site actually obeys those rules once in a while i guess):