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Full Name 2817 - Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon, The (U)(M6).7z
Filesize 43.9 MB
Region USA
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This game rocks i had my psx spyro when i was 5-6 yrs old!
i like this game because this game is cool
this game rocks!:D Ending is so cute!
It's barely like the console version.
I like this game!
Does this game work on a t-t card?
Never played spyro but sounds good........Ill download it
I wanna try this game but i cant
Ok ill try this game
Well never played spyro before so i downloaded it cause he could fly. but this game is just horrible well if ur not into 2D games
By thesounds of it there is finallly a good spyro game
Message from my son. The game is very good and I am hooked.