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Full Name 2721 - Imagine - Fashion Model (E)(M10).7z
Filesize 61.1 MB
Region Europe
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:) lloks like a fun game and im not below 10 for your info~!
I'd say that IMO, this is the best Imagine game. I have tried most - if not all - of the Imagine games available in the UK market, and would definatly recommend this one for those of you who like designing, hair and make up, and the whole fashion scene. Contary to the name, however, you are NOT the model, and this is nothing to do with being the model, more the stylist. It's great though :)
Is This game oké? Whatever I'll just gonna try!
Do all these game work on a r4 card ?
Isn't this just imagine fashion Designer New York under a diferent name?
Love this game but a bit slow paced
This sounds good
Thank you! mark is ugly!
This game is really good its awsome xxxxxxxxx
I completed the game like in a day and mark isnt cute he is ugly.
Cool game
This game sux