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Full Name 2624 - Spore Creatures (E)(M6).rar
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Best game ever!!!
How do you even open the thing? Ive been using NDS roms, the 'No 1' scource of games, but its not even on yet!
Love the concept and it's loads of fun. I'm finding a lot of PC games translate well to the DS.
I'm not familiar with the Spore Creatures of the PC... I have to admit, I was a little turned off by the graphics when I first started. But I decided to give it a chance anyway, and now I'm totally hooked! Having to adapt to different environments makes it satisfying because it tests you at how well you choose your options. Having a wide range of different body parts to choose from makes you realize just how important efficiency is. Different results come up when you choose to either destroy the members of a Nest, or befriend them. There's a lot of choices to be made in this game, and that's what makes it so much fun! Has a few glitches, though. But nothing major that will ruin game play. 4.5 / 5, most definitely. It's like they say: don't judge a book by its cover, or a game by its graphics.
I've just seen this on the advert on the tv and it looks brilliant...hope it is!
How did we get this before the release date?! awesome!
It keeps getting stuck when i reach a level and i cant bloody get and further and at the start it works
I dont know if its just me but when i get past the first island both screens go black and it doesnt do anything ON R4
I have been waiting for this for ages so thak you guys!
I was really looking forward to this. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
While nowhere near as advanced as the PC version of Spore. Spore Creatures gives you the usual "PC Port treatment" Still a top quality game, aimed at a slightly younger audience, but like the Viva Pnata's of the world, It's still well worth anybody's time. The basic game is............ You begin with a newly hatched Worm like creature, with the aim to escape the Island and it's predatorial inhabitants. with a fellow "thing" you progress and you will be able to add parts to your creature which will evolve it over time, the first is a Mouth which will allow your creature to Eat / Attack enemies, allowing you to progress further into the world of Spore, and move on to adding more parts to your ceature. as Stated a very trimmed down version of the "cell evolution upto a glactic scale (Pc, SPORE) But it's a great Time passer, and Fun too. Enjoy
Servers down for some reason.