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Full Name 2524 - Steal Princess - Touzoku Koujo (J).7z
Filesize 15.2 MB
Region Japan
Can Download No



Hey, does anybody know of a game which does have nudity? (or sex/porn)
This game is nice O\_O
Lol, i have 100\% saves for both the games, shall put a rapidshare link up, if they'll let me
It's not that big :) i've had 200MB + Games
No nude?
I finished this game without knowing japanese
Do you know about another game like this?
Is there any secret to make the witches naked or smtng like that?
What emulator will run this games?
Thankyou gamedude7, yes you can masturbate to almost anything nowadays... but I don't think this is one of them... not my thing anyway. Darkanik clearly wanted to know if he could, because he put the question out there. I was shocked at file size too, this is the largest rom I've ever seen so far on the DS, any particular reason for that?
If anyone wants to link a save, Air|of|Soft will give them 1000 internetz