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Full Name 2106 - Command and Destroy (U).7z
Filesize 3.4 MB
Region USA
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I don't like this game. no tutorial at all pretty much. units lack everything.... you don't know what to do........ .5/10
hmm atleast this game is not turned... like players can only atttack and move in turns.. Real time stratagy games rocks
You have to get to the barracks
Does anybody knows how I make my army larger or how I make units/tanks etc??
Lol. I disagree with the cartiage size. I have a cycloDs witha 4 gb card in it... these game makers can fit a lot of stuff into those cards, they just choose not to.
Thx downloaded and it was worth it
Just like old school Dune and Command and Conquer on the Playstation (not quite clunky, but the basics are there). if you're looking for something new, tough luck--nothin like that on the DS yet. but, if you're like me and don't mind seemingly outdated graphics and mechanics, then this would do just fine. i think though, given enough effort, better titles can be squeezed just snuggly on say a 128MB cartridge. something like Starcraft and Warcraft I & II (which both uses sprite graphics). of course, the AI would have to be trimmed down some to something the DS can handle, and unit caps on Warcraft (the PSX version suffered immensely from a lack of this feature). as for me, whenever i feel the need to raise an army and do some mass killing, i recommend this.