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Full Name 2039 - Assassin's Creed - Altair's Chronicles (E)(M5).rar
Filesize 31.2 MB
Region Europe
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When does the 2nd come on romulation? It online for a while that aside, the playstation3 version is better but it is a nice game
it is italian
we've got assasins creed 2 for ps3 now it's time for the ds =D
this is a great game and well worth downloading
its the best adventure game ever
this is a sweet game. yeah the xbox version is sweet but pretty confusing
im going to download this game now
Espero que o 2 saia para o DS também *-*
One of the few games i have stayed interested in to finih it! 9.5/10 I loved it! P.S: Assasinating people is so fun!
I havent got it yet but when i do i hope its awesome
Really good game,, but its much better on other consoles en the best at a PC:D
Good game, but i think it's better on PS3/ XBOX