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Full Name 1734 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Card Almanac (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 51.0 MB
Region Europe
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if you play the game, this is an valuable tool that really helps, especialy with the combos. If you have nothin good to say about somethin that you dont care about, well, just shut up. =)
good cos when i play the proper card game i always loose track of LP and always have to find a dice or somet stupid like calculating black penadnt on a monster with 1800 atk
Rite now im playing the card game so this could b useful
These Is usefull to player of the actual TCG
Wow. Just, WOW. Nothing like a comments section on a reference manual to bring out the worst in people, right? It's not really a game, don't think of it as one. It's for people who play the actual card game. Don't rate it on a scale it doesn't fit.
Good game not good for buying but is good for R4M3 etc etc etc
I don't understand it, so deleted it a lomg time ago...
The combo card tips are very useful to me, quite worthy to have. =)
This is not a game, it's just helpful when playing with the real card game...