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Full Name 1663 - Orcs & Elves (U)(M5).7z
Filesize 8.4 MB
Region USA
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looks like fighting fantasy warloc of the firetop mountain... i'll check it out :)
This stands as one of my favorite DS games ever. It has a great story, amazing gameplay, good graphics and awesome sound. I got this game for ten dollars about a year ago. I'm going to get it on my flashcart so I dont have to lug around its cart. Thanks for the upload! Definatly download! I hope they release the second one for the DS, too... But it sure doesn't look like it...
This game rocks! its a dungeon crawler, you go killing mosters, the gameplay is good, and the monsters are all 2d, but the landscape isn't, it kinda reminds me of DOOM.
Its pretty fun
Is it worth getting?
This is one great game. I reccomend it to anyone who wants a twist in RPG expeirience.
Pretty fun! the boss is hard though
Nice game!
US region releases often contain both Spanish and French languages due to the French Canadians and the Latin Americans. Often US region releases auto-select the language based on the language of the firmware file. With emulators the language will often default to Spanish. There's some helpful tips for fixing the issue in the forum.
Dispite the region being listed as USA, the game seems to still be in I'm guessing Itallian. And for the life of me, I can't find a way to change it to English.
IMO, this is one of the best RPG (albeit a turn-based one) available for the DS... I already finished playing both the mobile version (1 and 2) and the DS version is indeed a faithful port with some minor quest (Do I smell a rat...?) and graphic enhancement thrown in... Make sure to ramp up the difficulty for a more challenging experience...
I already have the game but its much better with cheats =)