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Full Name 1421 - Digimon World - Dawn (U).7z
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Does this one have good engame content?
Well, I'm a big fan of Digimon, but sincerely, all digimon games are flawed. First, is the digievolution system, it varies from one game to another. This game was looking very promising, until the battle. I mean, what the heck??! It's a battle and I can't even see my digimon fighting? Just some kind of 1st person vision turn battle, that reminds me of the first Final Fantasy games. For that time, this kind of battle system was a revolution, but now, its too lame. 5 minutes playing and deleted. At least, I didn't infringe the law. Nice job, Namco Bandai.
Ah... I miss Digimon... I wish i could see the Anime again, but now that I'm older, I can't help but notice the childish bits... In any case, this'll be good nostalgia for me I think.
well, i have to disagree to people who said that this is the best digimon game... i played and finished digimon world 3 in ps1, and i think digimon world 3 in ps1 is MUCH more better than this 1... still, this one is fresh to the look! ^^
yeah yeah.... i love this game....
Its the best day ever
sorry not good enough,cause when you digivolve your digimon its level goes back to 1.
i think dusk is easier so im going for the nasty version
wil it work on my euro ds or when will it be out in europe
I already beat dusk so now im gonna go for dawn
im still downloading it.. didnt play it yet, but i read some of your comments so im really excited about it :D and i played digimon world DS efore this.. i couldnt finish it it was so hard and depressing... i hope this one is easier >.<
i remember when my brother used to watch digimon now i got one in Vanilla(the name of my ds)hehehe