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Full Name 0608 - Nintendogs - Dalmatian & Friends (U).7z
Filesize 11.6 MB
Region USA
Can Download No



This game is really awesome!!!
omg... I'm 18 and I do not know why I'm downloading this game... Probably because there aren't any games I want are out yet... BUT ANYWAYZ... REALLY FUN GAME!
Who cares about the mic? It doesnt matter if you have a flash card and can play it directly on your ds. Want a flash card? Recommend these sites:
Just informing you guys that you need a mic to play
Is this the one with the beagal my couzin is annoying me to put it for her if it is not which is the one with the beagal
I'm getting this just for my 13yr old brother ^___^ thanks romulation