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Full Name 0556 - MegaMan ZX (U).7z
Filesize 28.4 MB
Region USA
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It says i need to login to download it but im already logged in
"R4 vs EDGE vs M3 Real... winner would be????" Edge, but this is a game comment board, not a flashcard championship :P
R4 vs EDGE vs M3 Real... winner would be????
Animefreak, the savetype is "eeprom 64k" in case that's the info u need.
I love this game i played it once, beat it and i have to play it again!! zx advent is even better
Animefreak to save you need to find a transerver (big round thing that you stand on) and press up
Superb, I lost this game and I could finally get it back on my R4 ^\_^ Thanks, Romulation
Than you romulation for everything you done to us users
You cant save in the game
This game is really cool according to my friends i want to try it out