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Full Name 0434 - New Super Mario Bros. (U).7z
Filesize 10.4 MB
Region USA
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why doesn't minigames work with a dstt card?
I'm experiencing the game freezing at certain points. The top screen would go black and the bottom would just say Loading... I'm using the AK2i card with the lastest 4.21 firmware.
best game ever
the third image is bad!! xD
this game is good but the wii version is really really GOOD
Works great on TF2gmicrosd but displays save error on 4gbmicrosdhc. Any solutions friends.
for all you who read my earlier post i fixed it by getting the akaio firmware and it worked fine
is there in italian?
Best Multiplayer game to date imo
excellent game
can anyone get the minigames to work because the first time i downloaded and tried it on my acekard 2i they wouldn't work i'm going to try and download it again to see what happens wish me good luck :)
Not as good as the Wii version, but the wii is obviousally gonna have the better graphics or gameplay , as it is newer. The only bad thing about this game is that you can't ride the Yoshis like you can in the Wii version.