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Full Name 0216 - Mario & Luigi - Partners in Time (U).7z
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I absolutely love this game!
Great game! Now I' into Superstar Saga. These games are not 100% turn based rpgs. I would call it 80% turn based and 20% action. This works great for me as I am kinda bored with games like final fantasy even when they look beautiful on screen.
Nah im not really into turn based rpgs i think the attack style is weird
Really not as good as Superstar Saga, but okay. If you've played SS, the Bros Attacks are gone but you now control four charcaters, which adds a lot of depth to the gameplay. The story's not as good as SS and the game is quite funny although, again, not quite as much as SS. Let's hope Mario & Luigi 3 is better.
This game world be so much better if it had a wi-fi battle thingy.
Its a best of RPG game! I love NINTENDO
I would have though it would have more bro's moves as you progress not as many as the first one on GBA though but overall .. 8/10
This game is great
This game is tight! If you're a true gamer (and can handle getting upset) get this! The story isn't as creative as the first one, but the gameplay is way better!