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Full Name 2810 - Hikaru no Go (J)(iND)(v1.1).7z
Filesize 2.3 MB
Region Japan
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rest in peace gameboy and all games 1989-2008
Bye bye, GBA *sniff* We had some good times...
Wait Hikaru No Go is THE last GBA game?! Awesome.
Why would there be gore in a hikaru no go game??
Thus end a legend, GBA. im gonna miss this console..
sniff sniff... hope that the next gen handheld console has the "gameboy" name on it. Thanks GBA for all the fun!!!
*sigh* And this was the very last GBA game ever made...
How is it that this list is completely out of synchronisation with this one?
If there was English version at least i would love it but...
Googling gore yields Al Gore. the "gore" we're talking about is blood, organs, etc. things that should be inside people, not outside.
Here's the release notes from nfo: From now on we will release every game ever done for the GBA in it's 1.1-version. I hear there has been lots of gore added in this release but who knows. i hope they right :p