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Full Name 0748 - Monster Rancher Advance 2 (U).7z
Filesize 3.4 MB
Region USA
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Reasonably good file. Some of the attacks causes the game too freeze (rarely).
Maybe its because to many load from the slots type, and its become error due to that fact. But maybe we can be help it if we save from in-game before any freeze occur again and load it from in-game and play as usual. After we load from in-game, the game wil not having freezes again or just temporarily. But make sure to save that point weither from in-game or slots type before go any events or place that cant be save in-game there or cant redo to do if save it from slots type from that moments. If you play it from android or pc, make sure to load from slots type first and then reset from setting because if you just open the file game, the game will not identify any save and load from in-game. Hopefully this is helpfull..