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Full Name 0475 - Robopon 2 - Ring Version (U).7z
Filesize 2.7 MB
Region USA
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oh yeah, here's another warning most ring-version rom-downloads dont work, whenever you're trying to spark a robopon, the picture is missing, and your game will freeze when you're trying to equip parts...this includes this download.
i own the cross version... its not really like pokemon...more something like medabots, still different though... you can make robopons by "sparking" (just selecting spark and choosing 2 batteries), you can equip parts, and install software. parts-equipment, just stat-increasers software=like a pokemon technical machine, it gives you a skill, the only difference is, there is only a limit on software, not on the learnable skills. and if you install a special combo of software,it generates a third skill. warning...this is a bit od a "retro" game!!!
A Pokemon-Clone (with RObots instead of Pokemon-Animals;)). All in all it`s okay, and worth the Download if you already finished the Digi- and Pokemon RPG`s - and still searching for some very similar new stuff.