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Full Name 0019 - Play Novel - Silent Hill (J).7z
Filesize 5.0 MB
Region Japan
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And they both copied gameplay from Alone in the Dark. So what? They're all great games, and I'm happy that game developers aren't prohibited from learning stuff from other games. Otherwise we would now be playing Tetris XXXII and 100th Return Of Space Invaders.
residentevil is from capcom silent hill just copied some of the gameplay
yes i like it but the language is japan
Someone made a really great walk though of this game via Flash a little while back. I don't have the link, but it's out there. They did a great job too!
Is there a english version of this?
Resident Evil was made by capcom.
Konami has released many great games for the ds. Why not Silent Hill as well? Resident evil was brilliant!
This is the first comment? Really? This is basically SH1 but in play novel form. This is the story from the first game, but it is in choose your own adventure format. Please enjoy.